Our House

Our House is a free day care center in Decatur for preschool age children from families facing homelessness. Our House provides shelter for up to 100 children at a time and is open five days a week, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This enables the parents to seek and accept training or employment, look for permanent housing, and obtain other services for the family.

Morningside’s participation:

Morningside members often collaborate with Morningside Presbyterian Preschool to contribute to this worthy cause. In October, we collect cold weather clothes (hats, scarves, and gloves) for our mitten tree.  Each March, we hold a spring clothing and diaper collection in preparation for warm weather.  And we have hosted days of fun and friendship with the Our House children taking a field trip to Morningside Preschool for a morning of joint activities. There are opportunities in the fall to purchase books at our Book Fair that will go to Our House.  There are additional opportunities such as taking a Thursday afternoon to read a story to the children at Our House.  In October 2010, MPC members Tara Parrish and Amy Jarratt led up efforts for the annual Our House fundraiser with volunteer support from the MPC Young Adults.  Tara and many others were once again involved in the organization of the 25th Anniversary Fundraiser event that was held on March 26, 2013.

How you can get involved:

You can donate food, clothes, or other needed supplies for the preschool.  Buy a book for Our House at the Morningside Presbyterian Preschool Bookfair each November.  Volunteer to help with fundraiser and/or attend the event.

Whom to contact:

Please contact Community Outreach Chair Eleanor Attwood for more information or to volunteer.