Shearith Israel Shelter   

The Shearith Israel Shelter for women is operated by the Congregation of Shearith Israel, an egalitarian Conservative synagogue located just around the corner from Morningside at 1180 University Avenue.  Shearith Israel's night shelter has been in operation for 25 years, and was the first synagogue in the nation to open a homeless shelter.  The shelter operates from mid-November to mid-March, seven days a week, and provides shelter and hot meals to thirteen residents. The shelter also refers residents to organizations that offer employment and personal counseling, computer and job skills training, medical care, and other important services. 

Morningside's participation:

Each year, Morningside provides a week of volunteer night hosts in January. Two volunteers stay at the shelter from 6:15 p.m. until about 10:00 p.m. to support the staff member in charge. We help serve dinner, visit with the guests and learn more about this important outreach. We also collect coats, scarves, mittens, gloves and hats at our Christmas Pageant/Carol Sing in December, and in early February, we collect $10 gift cards (CVS, Publix, Target, etc.) to give as Valentines' Day gifts to the ladies at the shelter.

How you can get involved:

Watch this site, our monthly Morningside Messenger newsletter and weekly Life@Morningside bulletin insert for instructions on how to volunteer to stay at the shelter in January, or when we collect gift cards around Valentine's Day.

Whom to contact:

If you are interested in taking part in Morningside's work with the Shearith Israel Shelter, please feel free to contact MPC Program Director Melinda Sandkam.