Who We Are

Morningside Presbyterian Church is a lively congregation with deep roots in the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition, active involvement and mission in our local community and beyond, and a wide embrace for all of God’s children. Our members have taken this motto — Welcome All.  Serve All. — and we do everything within the power God has given us to live out that aspiration in our church and in our daily lives.  When our pastor says from the pulpit "We welcome everyone without reservation," he speaks for all of us — a congregation more than 500 members strong.

We believe that this loving acceptance — along with intelligent and inspiring preaching, our outstanding music program and our special attention to children's education and activities — are the elements that have made MPC one of the fastest growing congregations with the Presbyterian Church (USA).  On any given Sunday at Morningside, you will hear the stories of the Bible taught to young children and their voices lifted in song during the worship service. You will find in-depth Bible study that challenges the mind and heart. You will see a congregation of people who care for one another and who reach out to those in need in tangible and collaborative ways. Your worship of God will be enhanced by the best music in Atlanta, as Atlanta Opera Chorus Master and Morningside Organist/Choirmaster Walter Huff leads our outstanding Chancel Choir. You will be inspired and encouraged by the stirring sermons of our Senior Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Baron Mullis, and our Minister for Adult Education and Young Adults, the Rev. Drew Stockstill. Most of all, you will feel the presence of God in the worship, ministry, and mission of this spirited congregation.

This is the Mission Statement of Morningside Presbyterian Church:

We join together as Morningside Presbyterian Church to respond joyfully to God's call in a changing world through worship and study, through sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and through being good stewards of God's gifts. Our community of faith is committed to serving God and neighbor, reflecting our Lord's welcome of all people. Our mission is to address the challenges of this present age with hope, grace, compassion and wisdom.

Click here to view our 2012 Annual Report and see how we worked toward our goals during the past year.